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1132 Karty (3MR, 30R)

11-09-2014, 21:19
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Aktualna cena: 400 zł     
Użytkownik Wykidajlo2
numer aukcji: 4557416390
Miejscowość koszalin
Wyświetleń: 75   
Koniec: 11-09-2014 20:28:55
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Witam serdecznie

Oferuję do sprzedaży zestaw 1132 kart.

Stan: mint/near mint

Spis kart poniżej.

W razie pytań proszę dzwonić pod numery

530 [zasłonięte] 790

501 [zasłonięte] 271





Spidersilk Net


Horizon Spellbomb

Traveler’s Amulet

Vector Asp

Explorer’s Scope

Flayer Husk

Expedition Map x4

Golden Urn x2

Origin Spellbomb

Panic Spellbomb


Bladed Pinions x4

Cobbled Wings

Glint Hawk Idol

Leaden Myr x4

Iron Myr x2

Ichorclaw Myr x4

Ichor Wellspring x5

Wooden Stake

Echo Circlet x2

Gold Myr

Silver Myr x5

Wall of Tanglecord x5


Necrogen Censer x2

Tumble Magnet

Neurok Replica

Phyrexian Digester x5

Golem Foundry x2

One-Eyed Scarecrow x2

Strider Harness x2

Snapsail Glider

Auriok Replica

Sylvok Replica


Chrome Steed

Bladed Sentinel x2


Tangle Hulk


Razorfield Thresher





Kite Shield


Signal Pest

Elixir of Immortality x2

Trusty Machete x2

Blazing Torch

Darksteel Axe


Liquimetal Coating

Kraken’s Eye x2

Wurm’s Tooth

Culling Dais

Demon’s Horn x2

Contagion Clasp x2

Angels’s Feather


Rust Tick x2

Trepanation Blade

Heavy Arbalest

Scepter of Empires

Whispersilk Cloak x3



Demonmail Hauberk

Grafted Exoskeleton

Trigon of Infestation x4

Sorcerer’s Strongbox x2

Core Prowler


Clone Shell

Thran Golem

Crumbling Colossus


Phyrexian Juggernaut x4

Phyrexian Snowcrusher

Darksteel Sentinal x2




Sword of Vengeance

Darksteel Plate

Nim Deathmentle

Psychosis Crawler

Witchbane Orb







Goblin Fireslinger x4


Goblin Arsonist x3

Burst Lighting

Goblin Gaveller


Vampiric Fury

Shatter x2

Goblin Tunneler x4

Goblin War Paint

Wall of Torches x2


Nightbird’s Clutches x2

Thunder Strike x6

Seismic Shudder

Incinerate x2

Village Ironsmith

Goblin Piker x3

Oxidda Daredevil x2


Vulshok Heartstoker

Magma Rift

Blood Ogre x3

Brimstone Volley

Rally the Forces

Traitorous Blood

Hissing Iguanar

Fiery Hellhound x2

Act of Treason x3

Riot Devils x2

Slaughter Cry x2

Feral Ridgewolf


Gorehorn Minotaurs

Shatterskull Giant

Tormented Pariah

Chandra’s Outrage x7

Ogre Resister

Lightning Elemental

Blade-Tribe Berserkers

Battle-Rattle Shaman


Pitchburn Devils

Night Revelers

Lava Axe

Scoria Elemental x3

Bonebreaker Giant x2

Yawning Fissuar


Flameborn Hellion x2




Goblin Grenade x2


Combust x2

Ignite Disorder

Desperate Ravings

Pyroclasm x3


Stormblood Berserker

Circle of Flame


Burning Vengeance

Hanweir Watchkeep

Furnace Celebration x3

Chandra’s Spitfire


Bloodshot Trainee

Into the Core


Barrage Ogre


Rage Thrower




Wild Evocation

Goblin Chieftain

Course of Stalked Prey



Mythic Rare(1)


Furyborn Hellkite






Silent Departure

Shared Discovery x4

Delver of Secrets

Fleeting Distraction x4

Vault Skyward x3

Turn Aside x4

Sensory Deprivation

Grixis Illusionist

Phantasmal Bear

Vedalken Certacher

Diminish x4

Distortion Strike x2


Aura Finesse x3


Constricting Tendrils x2


Jace’s Erasure x4

Merfolk Looter x2

Eel Umbre x3

Think Twice

Disperse x2

Plated Seastrider x2

Turn the Tide x2

Ior Ruin Expedition x3

Armored Skaab

Merfolk Observer x4

Spectral Flight x2

Manaleck x4

Deranged Assistant


Neurok Invisimancer x2

Forbidden Alchemy x2

Curse of the Bloody Tome x2

Jwari Scuttler x6

Venser’s Diffusion

Scroll Thief x4

Stoic Rebuttal

Skywinder Drake

Frontline Sage

Leaden Fists

Parasitic Strix

Brackwater Elemental

Kathari Screecher

Selhoff Occultist x2


Cancel x6

Resounding Wave

Steady Progress

Armored Skaab

Frightful Delusion x3

Stitched Drake


Makeshift Mauler


Lumengrid Drake

Aven Fleetwing x2

Serum Raker


Moon Heron x3


Sky-Eel School

Lost in the Mist

Frostwind Invoker x6


Harbor Serpent

Scrapdiver Serpent






Memory’s Journey x2


Riptide Pilfere

Alluring Siren


Trinket Mage x2

Lantern Spirit

Runic Repetition


Grasp of Phantoms

Water Servant


Master Thief


Battleground Geist x2

Mind Control x2

Belltower Sphinx


Skaab Goliath




Dissipation Field





Sunspring Expedition x2

Selfless Cathar

Blade of the Sixth Pride

Stave Off

Gideon’s Lawkeeper

Infantry Veteran

Salvage Scout x3

Apothecary Initiate x2

Valor Made Real

Samite Censer-Bearer

Gift of Granite

Glint Hawk x3

Goldenglow Moth x4

Lifelink x2

Seize the Initiative x8

Blessed Breath x2


Angelsong x2

Unruly Mob

Revoke Existence x3

Soul Parry x3

Silverchase Fox x2

Ghost Warden

Whitemane Lion

Stormfront Pegasus x2

Auriok Sunchaser

Soul’s Grace x2

Ajani’s Mantra

Pacifism x2

Leonin Skyhunter

Moment of Heroism

Spare from Evil

Kor Skyfisher x2

Silvercoat Lion

Sighted-Caste Sorcerer x2

Griffin Rider

Whitesun’s Passage

Sunspear Shikari x2

Mighty Leap

Avacynian Priest


Ghostly Possession x2

Loxodon Wayfarer x4

Safe Passage x5

Narrow Escape x2

Elder Cathar

Chapel Geist x2

Kemba’s Skyguard x5

Arrest x3

Reviving Dose

Venerable Monk x2

Kor Hookmaster x2

Fulgent Distraction x2

Angelic Blessing

Gustrider Exuberant

Benalish Veteran

Recumbent Bliss

Kor Sanctifiers x2

Priests of Norn


Angel’s Mercy x4

Stonehorn Dignitary

Ghalma’s Warden x2

Kor Cartographer x2

Resounding Silence x2

Pallid Mycoderm

Tine Shrike x4

Assault Griffin

Divine Verdict x2

Inspired Charge x2

Smite the Monstrous

Thraben Sentry


Loxodon Partisan

Tireless Missionaries

Siege Mastodon x2

Banishment Decree x4




Purify the Grave

Elite Vanguard

Quest for the Holy Relic


Abuna Acolyte

Kor Aeronaut x2

Ajani’s Pridemate x2

Leonin Ralic-Warder



Timely Reinforcements

Serra’s Boon


Windborne Charge


Landbind Ritual x2

Serra Angel

Razor Hippogriff

Gallows Warden


Nacatl Hunt-Pride x2


Kemba’s Legion




Guardian Seraph

Elite Inquisitor

Stony Silence


Mythic Rare(2)


Angelic Overseer

Angelic Destiny





Untamed Might x4


Prey Upon

Prey’s Vengeance x3

Copperhorn Scout

Caravan Vigil x2

Reclaim x2

Primal Cocoon

Withstand Death

Llanowar Elves x2

Fog x2

Unnatural Predation x5

Dryad’s favor x3

Groundswell x4

Wing Puncture

Giant Growth x2


Ambush Viper


Rampant Growth

Sylvan Ranger x5

Blight Mamba x5

Darkthicket Wolf

Plummet x3


Naturalize x3

Carapace Forger x2

Titanic Growth

Viridian Emissary

Garruk’s Companion x2


Pistus Strike

Gnaw to the Bone

Lurking Crocodile

Grave Bramble

Villagers of Estwald

Arachnus Web x2


Sacred Wolf x6

Brindle Boar x6


Woodland Sleuth

Giant Spider x2

Blightwidow x4

Hunter’s Feast x2

Tel-Jilad Fallen x2

Stampeding Rhino x2

Spined Wurm

Somberwald Spider

Bountiful Harvest


Yavimaya Wurm





Wreath of Geists

Primal Bellow x3


Hamlet Captain

Nature’s Spiral x3

Canopy Cover x4



Awakener Druid

Viridian Corrupter x2

Viridian Revel


Tangle Angler x4


Prized Unicorn

Make a Wish

Slice in Twain x2

Cudgel Troll x3


Acid Web Spider

Hollowhenge Scavenger

Bellowing Tanglewurm x2


Baloth Woodcrasher




Terra Stomper

Overwhelming Stampede x2

Mayor of Avabruck





Viscera Seer

Duress x4

Quag Vampires

Vampire Lacerator x2

Taste of Blood

Tormented Soul x2

Dead Weight

Soul Stair Expedition

Typhoid Rats

Guul Draz Vampire


Dark Favor x2

Ruthless Cullblade

Child of Night x3

Blood Seeker x3

Vampire Interloper

Bloodthrone Vampire x4

Doom Blade x5

Grasp of Darkness x2

Corrupted Zendikon x4

Surrakar Marauder

Psychic Miasma x2

Grim Discovery x4

Duskhunter Bat x3

Victim of Night

Skeletal Grimace

Walking Corpse

Altar’s Reap


Liliana’s Specter x2

Markov Patrician

Dread Warlock

Corpse Lunge x2

Bog Raiders x2

Necromancer’s Magemark


Mind Rot x4

Tomb Hex x4

Barony Vampire x4


Mindless Null

Quag Sickness

Necrogen Scudder

Blistergrub x3


Blood Tithe x5

Brink of Disaster

Nether Horror

Brain Weevil

Rotting Fensnake

Gravedigger x6

Drifting Shade

Instill Infection x2

Nimana Sell-Sword


Maw of the Mire

Bleak Coven Vampires

Bog Tatters

Nightwing Shade x4

Rotting Legion x5




Deathmark x2


Smallpox x2

Reassembling Skeleton x4

Liliana’s Caress x3

Onyx Mage x2

Zombie Infestation


Village Cannibals x2

Relentless Rats

Tribute to Hunger


Howling Banshee x5


Rise from the Grave x5


Corrupt x2




Sorin’s Vengeance x2

Heartless Summoning

Underworld Dreams x2

Curse of Death’s Hold

Vengeful Pharaoh

Necrotic Plague

Sutured Ghoul

Royal Assassin



Czerwone – 43

Białe – 95

Zielone – 29

Niebieskie – 45

Czarne – 77


Landy Specialne


Piranha Marsh x3

Esper Panorama

Crypt of Agadeem x3



Ilość kart – 1132 ( w tym 296 landów)

Wartość Kart (Łącznie) – 730,23 + 48,84(Landy) = 779,07


*-dołączam koszulki na karty
(60czarnych matowych +100 białych matowych + 40zwykłych przezroczystych)

**- zestaw tokenów – 7 do kart dwustronnych + 7 poison counter + 2 saproling (G) 1/1 + 5 soldier (W) 1/1 + 2 zombie (B) 2/2 + 2 Golem (Artifact) 3/3 + oraz pojedyncze sztuki losowych.