Pełna nazwa produktu: 101 Trail Riding Tips: Helpful Hints for Backcountry and Pleasure Riding, Dan Aadland, Wydanie: 2005 r.Kod produktu: S441412.R05Bardzo prosimy przy korespondencji z nami podawać zarówno pełną nazwę produktu, jak i kod produktu. W naszej stałej ofercie mamy wiele pozycji o tych samych nazwach i powyższy kod bardzo ułatwi nam identyfikację konkretnego produktu.
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Portal internetowy Hatatitla ma dzisiaj przyjemność wystawić na aukcji produkt: 101 Trail Riding Tips: Helpful Hints for Backcountry and Pleasure Riding, Dan Aadland, Wydanie: 2005 r.
Język: angielskiWydawca: The Lyons PressISBN: 978-[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]22883Wymiary: 148 x 174 x 13 mmLiczba stron: 176
From the Back Cover
One of the great joys of horseback riding is to be able to leave the beaten path for such activities as hunting, fishing, or camping, or simply for the pure pleasure of being out in nature. To ensure that you and your horse are enjoying the trail in the safest and most efficient ways, 101 Trail Riding Tips presents a broad array of advice, including selecting a good trail or pack horse, training for safety and responsiveness, choosing tack and other gear, and coping with a wide variety of terrains.
It's a guide that's sure to increase the enjoyment of any trail ride, anytime and anywhere.
Dan Aadland, the author of The Complete Trail Horse and Treading Lightly with Pack Animals, is a frequent contributor to The Trail Rider, Western Horseman and other equestrian magazines.
About the Author
Dan Aadland, the author of The Complete Trail Horse and Treading Lightly With Pack Animals, is a frequent contributor to Western Horseman, The Trail Rider and Equus. He lives in Absarokee, Montana, where he and his wife, Emily, breed Tennessee Walking Horses and organize pack trips.
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