Have you ever wanted to:• find the best iPad apps for
your child based on his/her age and an area of learning
(such as reading, math, creativity, etc.)?• read
unbiased reviews of apps for your children?• see the
app-in-use before you downloaded it?101 Top iPad Apps
for Kids: Educational and Fun is the only resource that
lets you quickly find apps that are best suited for your
child based on age and learning area, read a review of
the app, and see the app-in-use. Here is how it will
work for you:1. In the Table of Contents, select the age
of your child from 10 years old and under.2. Under the
age group you selected, find an area of learning, such
as reading, math, creativity, etc. 3. Go to the page
noted and read the in-depth, unbiased reviews.4. When
you find an app you like, click on the app name in the
Kindle version and it will take you to a video of the
app-in-use. If you have the paperback, simply go to
www.AppsForKidsReviews.com while reading the
reviews.Imagine, you will no longer have to:• spend
hours searching for the right app for your child. • read
those advertising pieces in the app store.• download and
delete an unwanted app.Finding the right app for your
child has never been easier!“A valuable resource for
parents and teachers who want to use their iPad as a
teaching and development tool for their children.”
-Kathy Rygg, author of the children's book “Tell Tales
with Mr. K” and the children's iPad app “Magic Story
Factory.”Good news: 78 of these top apps are iPhone
compatible! |