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20-01-2012, 19:37
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Koniec: 13-01-2012 22:42:22

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Mam do sprzedania Zoom Player 8080, używany. Załączam zdjęcie sprzedawanego przedmiotu.


Dane z internetu w j. angielskim:

The 8080 "flagship" multi-effects system features 47 high-quality individual effects produced by two ZFX-2s, Zoom's powerful new proprietary DSP chip. Up to 10 effects can be combined simultaneously to create the widest palette of sounds. Many of the effects faithfully recreate the sound of legendary vintage effects, including the actual "feel" of the originals

Equipped with dedicated analog circuitry for realistic distortion effects, the 8080 also includes amp simulation; 3 real-time control circuits and two control pedals that can be used for pedal wah, pedal pitch, and any other effect parameter or level setting. The 8080's Delay module provides 4 types of effects including ultra-long delay of up to 4 seconds and an analog-type delay.

The 8080's large internal memory holds 150 Zoom presets plus 50 user-programmable patches. Seamless patch change enables the user to activate a patch while the original patch is still sounding, ensuring a smooth transition between both. 4 data entry knobs and an array of large foot switches/pedals provide easy control and adjustment with an analog "feel."

Analog Master Volume and Presence Level can be used independently from patch settings, allowing real-time adjustment of volume and tone during performance. An "intelligent," 2-voice Pitch Shifter divides the signal into two parts (Left and Right), each with individual pitch-shift settings. Mixing these two sounds with the original signal allows a 3-part harmony to be created. Other 8080 "super" features include a special VFD (Vacuum Fluorescent Display) that allows program data to be clearly visible on a darkened stage; a large footswitch with non-slip rubber coating for accurate patch changes; MIDI control capability and a special Output jack to control channel-switching amplifiers and external devices and Zoom Noise Reduction.

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