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19-01-2012, 14:50
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This volume contains proceedings
of the 7th Bilateral Working Conference
Poland - German Democratic Republic
Błażejewko near Poznań 1989



Prace naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu,
specjalne wydanie pokonferencyjne ]

wyd. POZNAŃ 1992

Stron 195 + wklejki, duży format 25,5 cm x 18,5 cm,

ilustr., ryc., wykresy, tab., literatura

Nakład tylko 380 + 80 egzemplarzy !!!

Uwaga : teksty w języku angielskim wg spisu !




BABIŃSKI Z. : Human impact on fluvial processes of the lower Vistula channel

BARTKOWSKI T., BILLWITZ K. : Changes in the landscape of agrarlands in young glacial areas
resulting from land use conditions. Basic tendencies in the GDR and Poland from the early modern feudal
to the late modern collectivistic times of social systems

BARTKOWSKI T. : The superposition of oecumenes in the course of historical and present-day development
of the landscape in the Wielkopolska country

BAUME O. : Description of landscape dynamics in the basin of lake Stree-See near Biesenthal (Barnim), Germany

DROZDOWSKI E. : Geomorphological effects of the ice sheet activity in lower Vistula region during the Pomeranian Phase

DWARECKAS V. : The development of Lithuanian river valleys in Late and Post-glacial times

EISSMANN L. : Main features of the Quaternary of the GDR as compored with typical areas of the Elsterian and Saalian glacial stages in Europe

FRUHAUF M. : Some remarks on the lithology and genesis of periglacial loose-material covers in the highlands of the former GDR

GOMOLKA A. : Examples of the younger historic coastal and landscape development in the north-east of the former GDR

JANKE W., KLIEVE H. : The Holocene development of the "Bodden" graded coasts of the former GDR

KOSTRZEWSKI A., KLIMCZAK R., STACH A., ZWOLIŃSKI Z. : Extreme rainfalls and their influence on functioning of the present-day
denudative system in a young glacial region. West Pomerania

KOWALKOWSKI A., KOPP D., JAGER K. D. : Co-ordination of the classification of soils in the lowland
areas of Poland and of the former German Democratic Republic

LITT T. : On the Vistulian in the region between the River Saale and the River Elbe

NIEWIAROWSKI W. : Morphogenesis of the Żnin channel as an example of a subglacial channel of complex origin in the Polish Lowland

PANZIG W. A. : The gravel-compositorial standard-profile of the til-linventory of NE-Rugen, south-western Baltic, Germany

PETERSS K. : Analysis of the direction of inland ice movement in the northern part of the former GDR

SCHULZ I. : Extension, thickness and stratigraphy of the peat areas in the reach of Biesenthal basin and question of their prospective using

STANKOWSKI W. : Problems of the Vistulian chronostratigraphy in the Konin region

WEISSE R. : Soil erosion as related o glacial land forms, their lithology and development of orchards: Potsdam Area, GDR

WIŚNIEWSKI E. : Evolution of the lower Vistula river valley in Upper Pleni Vistulian

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(nieznaczne zagięcia i wgniecenia magazynowe okładki)

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