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The German Cross by Dietrich Maerz

06-03-2012, 22:41
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Cena kup teraz: 540 zł     
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numer aukcji: 2121386842
Miejscowość Zasole
Wyświetleń: 48   
Koniec: 15-03-2012 15:56:09
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The German Cross

by Dietrich Maerz

The Order of the German Cross was one of the most visually striking military honors to be  awarded during the Third Reich. This book is the first ever in-depth examination of this prestigious award, with complete chapters on the history of the order, manufacturing techniques, award procedures, characteristic details of all of the known (and some unknown) manufacturers of both the metal and cloth versions, cases, award documents, and more.

There is no more complete reference work on the German Cross in Gold and Silver than this volume. 448 pages • over 1,200 photos/illustrations

Czas realizacji zamówienia to 2-4 tygodni.