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The Bauhaus Group: Six Masters of Modernism

11-03-2012, 13:20
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KSIĘGARNIA ARTYSTYCZNA BOOKOFF | UL. ŁUCKA 14 | 00-845 WARSZAWA | TEL. (22)[zasłonięte]253 62 | KOM. 503 [zasłonięte] 126

The Bauhaus Group: Six Masters of Modernism

Dane książki
ISBN 978-[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]01698
Oprawa Oprawa miękka
Ilość stron 544
Wydawnictwo Yale University Press
Język Angielski

Cena: 94.00 PLN (wystawiamy faktury vat)

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Księgarnia Bookoff przy ul. Łuckiej 14 specjalizuje się w książkach i albumach fotograficznych.
Tel. (22)[zasłonięte]253 62 lub 503 [zasłonięte] 126

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Tel. 512 [zasłonięte] 208

Książka do wglądu w Księgarni Muzeum Bookoff.

Nicholas Fox Weber, for thirty-four years head of the Albers Foundation, spent many years with Anni and Josef Albers, the only husband-and-wife artistic pair at the Bauhaus (she was a textile artist; he was a professor and an artist, in glass, metal, wood, and photography). The Alberses told him their own stories and described life at the Bauhaus with their fellow artists and teachers, Walter Gropius, Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, as well as with these figures' lesser-known wives and girlfriends.

In this extraordinary group biography, Weber brilliantly brings to life the pioneering art school in Germany's Weimar and Dessau in the 1920s and early 1930s, and captures the spirit and flair with which these Bauhaus geniuses lived, as well as their consuming goal of making art and architecture.

Nicholas Fox Weber is the director of the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation and author of numerous books, including Patron Saints: Five Rebels Who Opened America to a New Art, 1[zasłonięte]928-19; Le Corbusier: A Life; and Balthus: A Biography. He lives in Bethany, CT.