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Tapworthy designing great iPhone Apps- Wys. z PL!

19-01-2012, 14:11
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Aktualna cena: 50 zł     
Użytkownik pestka1234
numer aukcji: 2039698577
Miejscowość Kraków
Wyświetleń: 9   
Koniec: 12-01-2012 21:04:15

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: miękka
Język: angielski
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

Koniecznie zobacz moje inne aukcje profesjonalnych książek !!!



Tapworthy, designing great iphone apps -  wysyłka z PL!! Konkurencyjna cena, ksiązka nowa, wysyłka z Polski!!!




So you've got an idea for an iPhone app -- along with everyone else on the planet. Set your app apart with elegant design, efficient usability, and a healthy dose of personality. This accessible, well-written guide shows you how to design exceptional user experiences for the iPhone and iPod Touch through practical principles and a rich collection of visual examples.

Whether you're a designer, programmer, manager, or marketer, Tapworthy teaches you to "think iPhone" and helps you ask the right questions -- and get the right answers -- throughout the design process. You'll explore how considerations of design, psychology, culture, ergonomics, and usability combine to create a tapworthy app. Along the way, you'll get behind-the-scenes insights from the designers of apps like Facebook, USA Today, Twitterrific, and many others.

  • Develop your ideas from initial concept to finished design
  • Build an effortless user experience that rewards every tap
  • Explore the secrets of designing for touch
  • Discover how and why people really use iPhone apps
  • Learn to use iPhone controls the Apple way
  • Create your own personality-packed visuals