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Serial Murderers Seryjni mordercy: Manson Christie

19-01-2012, 19:07
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Koniec: 17-01-2012 12:12:44

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Witam Wszystkich Allegrowiczów!


Mam do zaoferowania zabójczy zestaw 2 książek w języku angielskim o seryjnych mordercach, których zbrodnie wstrząsneły opinią publiczną na całym świecie! W tym niechlubnym gronie znalazł się również Polak, Andrzej Kunowski...

Książki zawierają szczegółowe źródło informacji na temat konkretnych przypadków, analiz psychologicznych i wiele wiele więcej. Na tej aukcji znajdziesz prawdziwe unikaty w okazyjnej cenie. Po prostu nic dodać nic ująć.

Książek nie ocenia się po okładce, dlatego też każdą z nich szczegółowo opisałem.


Serial Murderers
Marshall Cavendish Books
oprawa: twarda z obwolutą
format: bogato ilustrowany album A4 z ogromem oryginalnych zdjęć i materiałów źródłowych
rok wydania: 1992
stron: 160
stan: Bardzo Dobry-
(normalne ślady użytkowania: lekko podniszczona obwoluta)

Murder, a crime of many facets, has always fascinated us. Ever since the days when the Elizabethans avidly snapped up pamphlets describing the trials and executions of notorious killers, publications and newspapers featuring stories of gory murder have sold well. Today, people still gather to watch a person accused of murder being hustled out of the prison van, head draped in a blanket, and into the court building. And television programmes about crime that regularly feature reconstructions of murder attract millions of viewers. Especially intriguing is the murderer who kills more than once. This fascinating volume explores the extraordinary stories of five of modern history's most famous repeat murderers.

Peter Sutcliffe - The Yorkshire Ripper
By the time he was caught, seven women had been savagely attacked, thirteen more brutally murdered and a whale community was virtually under siege. In a reign of terror spanning nearly six years, Peter Sutdiffe managed to elude capture by the biggest squad ever assembled to catch one man.

Charles Manson - The Sharon Tate Killings
On an August night, Sharon Tate and four others were murdered in Los Angeles. Twenty-four hours later two more died, only a few miles away. The deaths were as bizarre as anything to have come out of Hollywood. The killers were even stranger - the commune disciples of Charles Manson.

David Berkowitz - The Son of Sam Killings
Killings are commonplace in New York and most have a clear motive. But when two young girls were shot on the night of 29 July 1976, the investigation soon reached a dead-end. None of the detectives dreamt that a year later the same crazed gunman would still be stalking the city's streets in search of his next victim.

John Christie - Murder in Notting Hill Gate
In 1949 a mother and child were viciously strangled at number 10 Rillington Place in London. For this crime Timothy Evans was hanged. But when three years later another six bodies were carried from the house it became shockingly clear that British justice had miscarried.

Dennis Nilsen - The Muswell Hill Murders
Britain's most infamous mass murderer was a shy, retiring civil servantnt who lived a quiet life in a North London suburb. What made this one desperately lonely man commit crimes so appalling that it is unlikely he will ever be set free?


Life Means Life
Jailed Forever: True Stories of Britain's Most Evil Killers by Nick Appleyard
oprawa: miękka
rok wydania: 2009
stron: 306
stan: Bardzo Dobry-
(normalne ślady użytkowania)

From sex-crazed fiends to cold-eyed professional assassins, only those convicted of the most terrible murders are told they will die behind bars.
This book tells the stories of those most depraved killers whose crimes outraged society and demanded the harshest penalty available to a British court. Among a UK prison population of close to 100,000, fewer than 40 men and women have been told they will end their days in a prison cell. They range from men who crossed continents to slay youngsters, to contract killers who relished their grisly calling. Some planned their killings in a sick and sadistic manner, others killed in an unanticipated explosion of rage, lust, greed or jealousy. But whatever their crime, whatever their motive, each of these beasts has one thing in common: they are the most evil people in our prison system.
A graphic and harrowing read, this book is the first ever to bring together the case histories of every full-term lifer in Britain's jails. It offers never-before-published information about these extraordinary offenders. Police, lawyers and the relatives of the victims and killers all describe how the truth behind these awful crimes was pieced together and those responsible were brought to justice to face the harshest punishemnt.
These are the 36 monsters deemed beyond redemption, who by their own hands forfeited the right to live among us, forever. These are the killers whose crimes were such that society demanded that... LIFE MEANS LIFE!


Pokój bez książek jest jak ciało bez duszy.

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