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Mieczysław Tomaszewski CHOPIN [english version]

19-01-2012, 14:09
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Księgarnia i Antykwariat HATTERIA

Mieczysław Tomaszewski


The illustrated book Chopin, prepared on the occasion of Chopin's 160th death and 200th birth anniversaries, is intended for a wide range of readers, both in Poland and abroad, in particular to the aficionados of Frederic Chopin's phenomenal talent and those who wish to learn more about his biography and the times when he lived. The book's aim is to promote Chopin related issues and the knowledge of the composer. The authors have undertaken to answer the questions of how his talent developed and how the historical situation influenced the artists personality and work. The text will be complemented with a rich illustrative material, including archival materials as well as contemporary photographs, depicting the sights associated with Chopin's life.
Wyjątkowy album przygotowany na 200. rocznicę urodzin Fryderyka Chopina.

Wydawca: PWM/BOSZ

Rok wydania: 2010

Wersja językowa: angielska

Liczba stron: 360
Liczba fotografii: ponad 400

Format:  240 x 360 mm

Oprawa: twarda z obwolutą

ISBN/ISSN: [zasłonięte]978-8376-075-0
Mieczysław Tomaszewski CHOPIN [english version]
Kontakt z nami:
ul. Dwernickiego 7A/21, 31-530 Kraków
Szczegółowe informacje pod nr  tel:
+48 [zasłonięte] 377 740
+48 12 [zasłonięte] 73
- gg:  [zasłonięte]61549
Nasze aukcje:  www.hatteria.na.alle
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