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26-01-2012, 18:48
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 89 zł     
Użytkownik musicmaestro
numer aukcji: 2019516605
Miejscowość Warrenpoint, Wielka Brytania
Wyświetleń: 6   
Koniec: 25-01-2012 10:12:15
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha


This is a conflation of two rare televised appearances of Callas from Covent Garden. The first was filmed in 1962 and Callas is in surprisingly good voice, considering she had almost given up at this time (her only other appearances that year were a series of concerts - no stage appearances at all). The Verdi is sung with a wealth of detail and expression and she acts out all Elisabetta'a emotions vividly, while hardly moving a muscle. Indeed she is so immersed in her singing that when a large brooch she is wearing dislodges and drops to the floor, she barely notices. She then changes completely into a playful, sexy and dangerous Carmen. What a pity she never wanted to sing the role on stage.
The second part of the DVD is a fully staged performance of Act2 of Tosca with Tito Gobbo and Renato Cioni. Why oh why didn't they have the forseight to film the whole thing? Still I guess we should be grateful for what we have. There are faults - the camera work isn't all it should be - but this is surely the most riveting perofrmance of this act ever committed to film.True, Callas was in better voice when she filmed this same Act in Paris a few years previously (some of the top notes are little better than screams), but I have rarely, if ever, seen opera singers act with such naturalness and abandon. Both Callas and Gobbi are superb. You really forget they are singing and end up being totally drawn in to the performance of two actors.

Obsada: Maria Callas, Renato Cioni, Tito Gobbi, Robert Bowman, Dennis Wicks
Reżyseria: Franco Zeffirelli

Czas: 70 minut
Region: 0 NTSC (Polska, cały świat)
Języki: włoski
Napisy: angielskie, niemieckie, francuskie

Dodatki: brak

Stan: perfekcyjny (nieużywana, oryginalna)