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Insanity Defense psychologia i prawo

18-05-2014, 0:14
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Koniec: 17-06-2014 00:05:40

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: twarda
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1996
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Daniel N. Robinson

Wild Beasts and Idle Humours

The Insanity Defense from Antiquity to the Present

Harvard University Press 1996

Stron IX+299, format: 15x21,5 cm

Książka wycofana z biblioteki: nalepki biblioteczna na wewn. części okładki.

Stan bardzo dobry




HOW DOES THE LAW regard and define mental incompetence, when faced with the problem of meting out justice? To what extent has the law relied on extra-legal authorities—be they reli­gious or scientific—to frame its own cate­gories of mental incompetence and mad­ness? Wild Beasts and Idle Humours takes us on an illuminating journey through the changing historical landscape of human nature and offers an unprecedented look at the legal conceptions of insanity from the pre-classical Greek world to the present. Although actual trial records are either totally lacking or incomplete until the eigh­teenth century, there are other sources from which the insanity defenses can be constructed.

Daniel Robinson, a distinguished histo­rian of psychology, has pored over cen­turies of written law, statements by legal commentators, summaries of crimes, and punishments, to glean from these sources an understanding of epochal views of responsibility and competence. From the Greek phrenesis to the Roman notions of furiosus and non compos mentis, from the sev­enteenth-century witch trials to today's interpretation of mens rea, Robinson takes us through the intricate history of how the insanity defense has been construed as a meeting point of the law and those profes­sions that chart human behavior and con­duct, namely, religion, medicine, and psy­chology. The result is a rare historical account of "insanity" within western civi­lization.

Wild Beasts and Idle Humours will be essential reading for anyone interested in the evolution of thinking not merely about legal insanity but also about such core con­cepts as responsibility, fitness for the rule of law, competence to enter into contracts and covenants, the role of punishments, and the place of experts within the overall juridical context.


Daniel n. Robinson is Professor of Psychology and Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at Georgetown University and Visiting Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Oxford.



Introduction 1

Furiosi 8

Immortal Souls, Mortal Cities 48

Possession and Witchcraft 74

Wild Beasts and Idle Humours 113

The Rise of Medical Jurisprudence 141

Jural Science and Social Science 183

Notes 255

Index 295



"Wild Beasts and Idle Humours is truly unique. It synthesizes material that I do not believe has ever been considered in this context, and links up the historical past with contemporane­ous values and politics. Robinson effortlessly weaves religious history, literary history, medical history, and political history, and demonstrates how the insanity defense cannot be fully understood without consideration of all these sources." —Michael L. Perlin, New York Law School



"A detailed anthropology of legal insanity that draws upon multiple and rich historical sources from antiquity to the pre­sent. Wild Beasts and Idle Humours reads like the inner workings of a fascinating and disciplined narrative mind."

Dr. Robert Kinscherff, Massachusetts General Hospital


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