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History of Man as a Hunter, łowiectwo polowanie

22-01-2014, 19:04
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Koniec: 19-01-2014 19:17:04

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: twarda z obwolutą
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1996
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Charles Bergman

Orion's Legacy

A Cultural History of Man as Hunter

Dutton 1996

Stron 359, format: 16x24 cm

Książka w bardzo dobrym stanie, bez defektów

In classic mythology, Orion stands as the emblematic heroic hunter whose prowess is eternal­ly celebrated in the constellation that bears his name. Yet the same myths that elevate him to immortality also brand him as the prototypical sexual predator whose rapacious lust leads to blindness, downfall, and doom.

Using the mixed mythic message of Orion as a central metaphor, author Charles Bergman brilliantly examines the role of the hunter and the hunt in defining masculinity and male identity in our culture's history and, ultimately, in our times. At once a groundbreaking exploration and a soul-searching meditation, Orion's Legacy draws upon both remark­able scholarly erudition and intimate personal expe­rience to illumine how the hunting image and ethos have shaped the role in which men have been cast by society as well as the ways they see and judge themselves. More than this, it incisively probes how the hunt has permeated male sexuality, making the female both an object of desire and a target of dom­ination, both loved one and prey, giving intercourse between the sexes the flavor of a war between them.

With the author we travel through history to view the vision of man as a hunter portrayed in a dazzling variety of forms, from prehistoric cave paintings and ancient tombs to the works of Ovid and Shakespeare, Petrarch and Ortega y Gasset to the great royal hunts of the kings of France and the horns the cuckold wears in folk parlance. We go on hunts on the Arctic ice, in the Spanish Pyrenees, and in the American Southwest, in the company of natives for whom the hunting is not a fantasy in the mind but a fact of life. Throughout, we share with the author his growing understanding of what he as a hunter and as a man truly is and is not. Bergman reveals his own remem­brances of affairs with women who have brought him into intimate contact with the feminine dimensions of love. And he throws into sharp, sometimes painful focus the contradictions and confusions of the con­cept and the reality of being male.

Within a style both unflinchingly honest and beautifully honed, Orion's Legacy takes its place as a seminal work in the growing body of literature that has gone past the stale male question of "What does a woman want?" to the far more pertinent concern of "What is and makes a man?" Bold, challenging, and truth-telling, it is essential, enlightening reading for men and women alike.

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