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Fin de siecle and its legacy M. Teich R. Porter

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"Fin de siècle and its legacy"

  Mikuláš Teich, Roy Porter


For many years the term fin de siècle has been used to imply a state of decadence which was thought to have pervaded 'civilised' European society in the years around 1900. This volume of essays, which draw on a very wide range of disciplines, argues that the period was in fact one of dramatic change, essentially positive and forward-looking in character.
This was the period of the rise of the giant corporation, of mass production and mass consumption, and of the development of the generation and distribution of electrical energy. Novel social features such as mass politics, mass media, and mass sport involved the body of ordinary people and in the arts, complex reactions to contemporary social reality were aroused and expressed. This was also the period which gave birth to the study of quantum mechanics, relativity physics, mental processes and genetics. This volume forms part of a sequence of collections of essays which began with The Enlightenment in National Context (1981) and has continued with Romanticism in National Context (1988). They bring together comparative, national and interdisciplinary approaches to the history of great movements in the development of human thought and actions.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990
345 p,; 23 cm
Cover design: Geoff Green
Cover illustration: Ad Astra, Akseli Gallen-Kallela, 1907
ISBN 0[zasłonięte]521-345-X


Stan dobry

ryski na okładce, małe zagięcie okładki przy górnym rogu, pieczątk ana str. przedtytułowej oraz na bocznej zew. krawędzi kartek, metka z ceną, notka na tyle str. tytułowej

Bardzo proszę osoby bez pełnej aktywacji tzw. kopertki o potwierdzanie udziału w aukcji mailem !!!