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Dassonville, fotografia artystyczna, pejzaż

08-03-2012, 0:05
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 47 zł     
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numer aukcji: 2106570939
Miejscowość Wierzbica
Wyświetleń: 6   
Koniec: 08-03-2012 13:54:51

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1999
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William E. Dassonville, California Photographer


Essay by Peter Palmquist

Nevada City 1999

Stron 111, format: 27x23 cm, papier kredowy

60 ilustracji, z czego 47 to reprodukcje fotografii

Stan książki dobry plus - lekkie defekty okładki.

William E. Dassonville, a superb photographer, was also a man of great influence in Northern California's artistic community during the early twentieth century. His exquisite work and style are only now beginning to be understood and appreciated, nearly fifty years after his death. His photographs and documents were carefully preserved by his son, Donald, and through the dedication and research of photographic art dealers and collectors Susan Herzig and Paul Hertzmann, the treasure can at last be shared.
Dassonville s photographic legacy is considerable, including an outstanding hody of fine photographs in the pidorialisl tradi' tion. He was also an innovative craftsman and self'taught chemist, andayerfedionift who developed and marketed his own line of photographic paper: Charcoal Black. The paper was prized hy the most demanding photographers, among them Ansel Adams, who later lamented that he never again "found apaper that had the particular qualities of Dassonville s Charcoal Black."
Peter Palmqjjist, from his essay, "William E. Dassonville: An Appreciation."
Dassonvilles photographs were widely published and won numerous prizes and honors. He counted many prominent artists among his friends and clientele, including John Muir, William Keith, Maynard Dixon, Arnold Genthe, and Alvm Langdon Coburn. His images hung in exhibitions alongside the work of Alfred Stieglitz, Clarence White, Gertrude Kasebier and other renowned artists of the Photo-Secession and the Arts and Crafts movement.
The details of Dassonvilles life are illuminated for the first time in this book, presented along with a portfolio of his photographs. In addition, the volume includes Dassonville s exhibition history and a listing of his published photographs and articles. Reprints of his published articles, many of which contain his formulas and technical advise on developing and print­ing photographs, are also published in this volume.
60 illustrations, including 47 color and duotone plates.