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ARCAM CD-92 dCS Ring DAC HDCD Top model

20-11-2014, 0:44
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fantastyczny fenomenalnie muzykalny CD odtwarzac z przetwornikiem Ring DAC firmy dCS i HDCD , Top model firmy

Arcam CD-92


Stan techniczny i wizualny jest 100% idealny , uzywany w niepalacym pomieszczeniu .

W zestawie originalny pilot , instrukcja obslugi ,podrecznik serwisowy .


This high performance CD player is built around the revolutionary patented "Ring DAC" digital to analogue converter developed by Arcam and dCS*. The Alpha 9CD player was the first of our CD players to incorporate this unique chip design and the results led the well respected Hi-Fi Choice magazine to describe it as '...the best ever sound under £1,000 and the most ambitious and inspired digital product ever to emerge from Arcam.' The Ring DAC module is designed using the best audiophile grade components on a four layer circuit board. The extra layers ensure the best possible layout and allow grounding to be optimized. The Sony mechanism supports CD text.

The CD92 incorporates sophisticated design techniques to ensure that factors such as clock accuracy and jitter, power supplies, digital filters and audio output stages are all optimized to extract the fine detail and depth of sound absent from many other high-end designs. The steel chassis incorporates sound damping material called 'Sontech' for better control of low level vibrations that can blur the sound.

The superb sound will surprise you. You will discover new life in even the oldest CDs you haven't played for years. The player will also decode HDCD discs.

Technical Specifications

Disc format: CD

Digital converter: 24 bit dCS ring DAC plus HDCD

CD Mechanism: KSS-213C

Frequency response: 5Hz to 20kHz

Dynamic range: 106dB

Signal to Noise Ratio: 100dB

Total harmonic distortion: 0.005%

Line output: 2.3V

Digital outputs: coaxial, optical

Dimensions: 430 x 290 x 84mm

Weight: 5.6kg

Arcam DiVA CD92

CD72/92 Design Details

The performance of the DiVA CD72 and CD92 compact disc players confirm just how far Arcam has come in defining the high level of sound quality available from this well established replay medium.

Arcam has made award winning CD players since 1987 and we have spent many years improving their audio performance. Since its launch in June 1999, the Alpha 7SE established itself as the best sounding mid-priced CD player on the market, helping Arcam to achieve the number one market position by value for CD players in the UK in 1999 and 2000.

The new CD72 uses a 24 bit Burr Brown multi level delta sigma DAC and a proven Sony CD text mechanism. Special care has been taken to optimize the master clock design for extremely low jitter, whilst the main circuit board uses carefully tuned analogue filters with audiophile quality components in all critical areas. The player also comes with a large well screened power transformer and six separately regulated power supplies. Damping is applied to key components which are subject to microphonic effects. The chassis is rigidly constructed for best mechanical characteristics and includes a slab of Sontech sound deadening material, until now only seen in our very expensive FMJ CD player; this too has a major beneficial impact on sound quality. Both optical and coaxial digital outputs are included for connection to an external DAC or digital recorder.

The CD92 adds a sophisticated output module, incorporating an ultra low jitter master clock and the custom built dCS** Ring DAC circuitry from the FMJ CD23. The Ring DAC combines the low level linearity of bitstream converters with the clean ultrasonic-free output of the best multibit converters, and delivers near 24 bit resolution with negligible differential non-linearity. Digital filtering is provided by the latest Pacific Microsonics PMD200 24 bit digital signal processor, which also decodes HDCD recordings. The module has extra power regulation on board to minimize interaction between stages and is constructed with a four layer circuit board to ensure optimized grounding and the shortest possible signal paths.

The CD92 was designed and manufactured in the UK and available in black or silver finishes.

najlepszy odtwarzacz CD jaki produkowała firma ARCAM w ktorym jest

słynny przetwornik RingDAC High-Endowej firmy dCS.Chodzi w recenzji o najlepszy przetwornik cyfrowo analogowy jaki kiedykolwiek wyprodukowano , jest absolutnie niedostepny , uzywa go tylko firma dCS w swojich urzadzeniach jako np. Elgar ktore sa finansowo dosyc niedostepne a szczytowe modele Arcam Alpha 9 a z nowej serii FMJ model CD 23.

ma wzmocniona obudowe , antywibracyjne chasis a osobne zasilanie dla analogowej i cyfrowej elektroniki .

dzwiek tego odtwarzacza jest poprostu nieziemski .

Ciepły ale detaliczny, z mocnym basem, świetną rozdzielczością, a mimo tego dość "łaskawy" dla nie najlepiej nagranych płyt. Doskonały focus stereo.

Recenzent konkluduje:
Odtwarzacz jest przełomem w kategorii odtwarzaczy CD poniżej $2000. Osiągi tego odtwarzacza 24/96 grającego dyski 16/44.1 dają się bezpośrednio porównać z odtwarzaczami/DAC'ami kosztującymi wielokrotnie więcej, a różnice są znikome. Byłem pod szczególnym wrażeniem głębi basu detalu i mocy, które będą mile widziane w prawie wszystkich systemach. Poza tym, jego szeroka scena dźwiękowa była naprawdę zachwycająca z dużymi i małymi składami muzycznymi, z fantastyczną rozdzielczością wewnętrznych głosów muzyki. Byłoby trudno mi uzasadnić kupienie droższego odtwarzacza CD."

wyposażony w przetwornik RingDAC legendarnej firmy dCS o rzeczywistej rozdzielczości 24 bitów/96kHz. przez wielu uważany za najlepszy odtwarzacz tej firmy.


dCS - lider w produkcji cyfrowego sprzętu high-end audio

Firma dCS została założona w 1987 r. przez grupę doradców technicznych z zakresu elektroniki. Jej siedziba znajduje się około 60 mil na północ od Londynu, w pobliżu miasteczka uniwersyteckiego Cambridge. Firmę prowadzą eksperci w projektowaniu przetworników analogowo-cyfrowych (ADC), przetworników cyfrowo-analogowych (DAC) oraz ich interfejsów. Dzięki swoim osiągnięciom, dCS jest uważana za wiodącą europejską firmę w projektowaniu przetworników.

Stan wizualny jest idealny. Odtwarzacz nie posiada jakichkolwiek rys/otarć/odprysków zarówno na panelu przednim jak i na obudowie. Przyciski nie są powycierane, wyświetlacz wyraźny - nie porysowany, nie wypalony.

Technicznie w 100% sprawny, przez cały okres użytkowania nie sprawiał jakichkolwiek problemów. Płyty wczytuje szybko, nie przeskakuje podczas odtwarzania. Bez trudu radził sobie zarówno z płytami oryginalnymi jak i kopiami. Odczyt HDCD również bez jakichkolwiek problemów. Napęd pracuje cicho, nie wpada w żadne niepożądane wibracje. Warto wspomnieć, że odtwarzacz posiada 2 pary wyjść audio - przydatna rzecz chociażby do porównywania interconnectów.

Brzmienie odtwarzacza delikatnie ocieplone ale jednocześnie z dużą ilością detali i świetną rozdzielczością. Odczuwalnie bardziej naturalne, przyjemne i nie męczące przy dłuższych odsłuchach.


The CD-92 incorporates the unique dCS Ring DAC™ which
delivers state-of-the-art performance from its revolutionary 24-bit
This new DAC is the result of a partnership between two British
companies – Arcam and dCS (Data Conversion Systems Ltd), the
world’s leading supplier of professional audio ADCs and DACs. Ring
DAC technology exhibits exceptionally linear response when decoding
digital audio data, with the ability to resolve the finest acoustic details
recorded on a compact disc.
In the CD-92, 24-bit digital filtering is provided by the Pacific Microsonics
digital filter, which also performs HDCD® (High Definition Compatible
Digital) decoding of suitably encoded CDs. The sonic performance of
the CD 92makes it one of the very best CD players currently available
at any price.

Digital to Analogue conversion
High resolution proprietary multi-bit current output digital to
analogue conversion. 24-bit dCS Ring DAC plus HDCD
Laser pick-up 3 beam
Laser wavelength 780nm
Numerical aperture 0.45
Dynamic range 106dB
Signal to noise ratio (CCIR) >100dB
Harmonic distortion (0dB, 1kHz) <0.005%
Frequency response (±0.5dB) 5Hz–20kHz
Output level (0dB) 2.3Vrms
Output impedance 50Ω
Minimum recommended load 5kΩ
Dimensions W430 x D290 x H85mm
Weight 6.5kg nett/8.4kg packed
Power consumption 32VA maximum
Digital output connection 75Ω co-axial
optical TOSLINK


Review Summary

Sound "Exceedingly precise and detailed…decodes darn near everything in those CD pits"; "high-frequency hash and nasties are non-existent" too; the CD23T "simply gives you the music without editorializing."
Features Built by Arcam from the ground up, with a proprietary implementation of dCS's Ring DAC technology.
Use "On the front panel are enough buttons to operate the player" but "to get the full-blown feature set for programming, you have to use the supplied remote control."
Value "The CD23T achieves a stunning level of performance at what can still be considered a real-world price."

The dCS Ring DAC

An overview of the technology behind the standard-setting performance of the Elgar

While dCS was the first to produce a 24bit/96k DAC (Digital to Analog Converter), the first with 24/192, and now the first with DSD conversion, elgarboard.jpg (11548 bytes)they were also the first to admit that there’s a lot more to good musical performance than long word lengths and high sampling rates. Over the next few years we expect to see an increasing level of hype about those higher sampling rates. Soon 24/192 DACs will be found in all but the cheapest of audio components. While we realize that the vast majority of people will never spend $15,000 for a dCS Elgar Ring DAC, we do want to make sure that they aren’t blinded by all the hype and think that a 24/192 label on a front panel is necessarily synonymous with high quality musical reproduction.

Coming into the audio arena with a background in digital conversion for military radar, the people at dCS knew that what really counted was true resolution, not a number on a spec sheet. (Either you can resolve an incoming air to air missile a mile further away or you can’t.) In audio, when a manufacturer says he uses a 24 bit DAC, all that really means is the DAC can do 24-bit arithmetic – not that it can resolve 24 bits of musical information. In fact, most 24 bit DACs are lucky to resolve 20 bits of information. Here’s an overview of the problem and the solution:

  • Multi-bit Nonlinearity — In multi-bit DACs there is a resistor associated with a current source for each bit. Each resistor is half the value of the one before it. So the ratio goes something like this 1 : 0.5 : 0.25 : 0.125 : 0.0625 etc. By the time we divide by two 24 times, the theoretically correct value of the last resistor is 0.000[zasłonięte]119209[zasłonięte]550781 of the first. Because it is physically impossible to achieve this type of accuracy, all multi-bit DACs suffer from some non-linearity (they distort the signal). This distortion becomes greater as you move from more significant bits to less significant (loud stuff to background detail). Typically, somewhere around the 20th bit the ability to resolve any additional detail is lost.
  • One-Bit Noise — In Bitstream (1-bit) DACs the resistor matching problem is eliminated and linearity is very good. However, the signal to noise ratio is terrible (6dB). A technique called oversampling is used to improve the signal to noise ratio to acceptable levels. However, the high oversampling frequencies result in narrow pulse widths. Timing errors now become significant, jitter increases, and the end result is thesame. The signal is distorted and the resolution of low level detail is degraded.
  • dCS Elgar Ring DAC — The dCS Ring DAC uses a patented 5-bit unitary weighted design (i.e., all the resistor values are the same). Oversampling frequencies are low (i.e., it’s less vulnerable to clock frequency errors). But, even this design isn’t perfect. Small variations in resistor value could still have an adverse effect on performance. Even with the carefully matched resistors used in the Elgar their resistance can change with age or temperature. To address this the Ring DAC, instead of using one resistor per bit, uses a large array of resistors. By using a proprietary algorithm (or is it Elgar-ithm) to continuously vary the number and positions of the selected resistors from sample to sample, as though around a circle (hence the name "Ring DAC"), the inevitable slight variations in the values of the resistors are randomly distributed throughout the quantizing range. This effectively turns any tolerance errors into random white noise, which is far more benign than the distortion that would otherwise have occurred. Finally, sophisticated noise shaping is used to move the bulk of the random noise into the high frequency spectrum above 100 kHz, where it is easily removed with analog filtering.

But the proof is in the final performance. When tested, virtually all other DACs will fail to resolve a full 24-bit signal. The Elgar is the only DAC in the world with genuine linearity down to 24-bits.

In addition to unsurpassed performance, the Elgar, in terms of investment, has no peers. The use of discrete components, software based digital filters, and programmable gate arrays means that the unit can be upgraded should digital audio standards change in the foreseeable future. dCS demonstrated this when they added 192kHz capability to the original Elgar, and again when they added Sony DSD (the carrier used in SACD).


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